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Showing posts from 2016

Graduate Student Writing Center open

The Graduate Student Writing Center is now open, located on the third floor of Reed Library's Carnahan-Jackson Center. The Writing Center offers free services to students enrolled in Master's or Certificate of Advanced Study programs at Fredonia. For further information, to see the Writing Center's hours, or to make an appointment, visit their website , or email . Please note that the Writing Center is not a division of Reed Library and therefore Library staff are not able to assist with matters related to the Writing Center.

Creative use of a library whiteboard

Our library director came across this creative equation set on one of our library whiteboards today and wanted to share with the campus community.

As of October 17, Reed Library no longer accepts cash for fees or fines

Reed Library will not accept cash for fees or fines as of October 17, 2016. Only FRED Debit Account or FREDFunds will be accepted. If you do not have funds as a FREDCard or FSA Gift Card (which can be purchased at the University Book Store), options are: The Student Accounts Office in Maytum 306 will accept cash, checks, and credit cards (Master Card, Visa, or Discover). Fines can be paid using a credit card by going to Reed Library's website - Go to the Circulation tab, then select Fines and Fees. If there are insufficient funds on a FREDCard or Gift Card, value can be added to the card, with as little as a $1 bill, using the Valueport machine outside the Library, near the McEwen Computer Lab. For questions, contact Randy Gadikian, Reed Library Director, at or 673-3181.